DVSA Theory Test Practice Online

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Driving Theory Test Practice 

The most recommended way to pass your official theory test is to practise Theory Test online.  
Our online driving theory test practice helps you prepare for the official Theory test. 

DVSA Theory Test consists of two parts:

Multiple choice part

Category Time allowed   Pass mark
Car and motorcycle 57 minutes 43 out of 50 questions
Lorry and bus 1 hour and 55 minutes 85 out of 100


Hazard Perception test

Category Video clips Developing hazards  Pass mark
Car and motorcycle 14 clips 15 44 out of 75
Lorry and bus 19 clips 20 67 out of 100


When do I need to take DVSA Theory test?

The Theory test must be completed if you want a licence for a new category of vehicle.

However, if you want to upgrade within a vehicle category you will not need to take a driving theory test. For example, if you have an automatic car licence and you want to drive a manual car, you will need to pass a driving test in a manual car, but you will not need to retake the theory test. 

Theory test for foreigners

If you have a valid community licence and you are visiting UK, you can drive any vehicle for as long as your driving licence remains valid. So you don't need to pass driving licence test. The appropriate full entitlement for the vehicle you wish to drive must be shown on your driving licence.

Outside Europe

If you hold a full driving licence granted outside the EEA it might be possible to change it to a British licence. You should contact the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency to find out if you can exchange your foreign driving licence without taking UK driving licence test.

UK Driving theory FAQ

  • UK driving theory test FAQ

    Here you can find most popular questions about the UK driving theory test.

    How to pass the theory test?

    Practise, practise, practise! Almost 50% will fail their first attempt, so it is not easy to pass. Practically it means that every second person fails theory test and has to retake it. If you want to pass you theory test from 1st attempt you should learn the Highway code and road signs and test your knowledge with free theory tests available on this website. Our mission it to help you get ready for the official driving theory test! Our tests are prepared based on the official Highway code and the questions are very similar and may even be identical to the actual test. Our tests are categorised based on different topics from the Highway code. Make sure you test your knowledge in every category. Consistent practice will help you get ready for the actual theory test.

    How much theory test costs?

    Theory test costs £23 for the car and motorcycle. Theory test for lorry and bus licences is a little bit more expensive and the costs are split so that hazard perception test costs £11 and theory test costs £26. Check the latest prices from the official gov.uk site. If you don't pass your test from the first attempt you have to pay the full amount again if you want to take another one. 

    How to book theory test?

    To book your theory test you need your provisional driving licence. The best and the cheapest way to book your theory test is to use the official online DVSA theory test booking service, which can be found here

    How many questions in multiple choice test?

    Multiple choice test consists of 50 questions and the pass mark is 43, which is 86%.

    What is a hazard perception test?

    Hazard perception is the second part of the official theory test. Hazard perception test includes video clips where you need to identify possible hazards by clicking the mouse or tapping the screen when they appear.

    Is it possible to get automatic driving licence in the UK?

    If you have difficulties with manual gears, you can pass the driving test with a car with automatic gears. This test is much easier than the manual one. However, in this case you will only be entitled to drive vehicles with automatic gear and this may prevent you from renting cars with manual transmission. 

    Is it possible to exchange automatic licence to manual?

    In the UK it is possible to pass the driving test in either an automatic or manual car. The type of the car you choose will affect the type of licence that you will obtain after successful completion of the test. If you have an automatic licence and want to change it to a manual one, you will need to re-take the driving test in a car with manual transmission. This will allow you to get a full UK driving licence. This type of licence entitles you to drive both automatic and manual transmission cars.

    If I want to change my automatic licence to full licence, do I need to re-take theory test? 

    No, in this case you do not need to re-take the theory test, only the driving test.

    What happens if I fail the manual driving test?

    If you wanted to exchange your automatic licence to a full one, but failed the manual driving test, you do not lose your right to drive automatic transmission cars. 
  • Apply for UK Driving licence

    You can get your first provisional driving licence for a car, a moped or a motorbike if you apply electronically on DVLA website. For this you need to meet the following application criteria:
    • Be at least 15 years and 9 months old
    • Have good vision (Be able to read number plate from 20 metres away) 
    The price for online application for provisional licence is £34. You will need to provide the following documents:
    • A valid UK biometric passport or an identity document
    • You national insurance number
    • Addresses where you have lived over the last three years
    Your provisional driving licence should arrive within a week from your online application.
  • Book your Theory Test

    In order to book you DVLA Theory Test you will need the following:
    • UK driving licence number
    • Email address
    • Credit or debit card
    You will need to pay £23 for car and motorcycle theory test.
    Lorry and bus theory tests have separate pricing:
    • £26 for multiple choice questions part
    • £11 for hazard perception part
    • £23 for case studies part
    At the time of booking your DVLA Theory Test you should inform about possible reading difficulty, disability or health condition.
  • Prepare for Theory test

    In order to prepare yourself for Theory test, make sure you do the following:
    • Familiarise yourself with the format of the test

      UK theory test for cars consists of 2 parts: Multiple-choice questions [part and a Hazard perception part. It is essential to know how both parts of the test work in order to pass your test successfully. The best way to do this is to practise with mock tests that we have specifically prepared for you. Our tests are very similar to the real test format and contain questions from all the categories of the Highway code. 
    • Know what to expect at the test

      You will have 57 minutes to answer 50 multiple-choice questions. Before the test starts you’ll get instructions on how the test works and will have an opportunity to do some practice questions to be able to get used to the screens. Some questions are given in form of a case study. This means that you will read a short story that 5 questions will be based on. The story will be about a real life situation that you could face when driving. During the test you have an opportunity to flag a question you are not sure about and come back to it later. You can also review and change your answer to any question at any point. Before the hazard perception test starts you can have a break of up to 3 minutes. 
    • Practise mock theory tests on this website 

      If you value your time and money you should make an effort when you prepare for theory test. Go though our theory test practices from different categories and make sure you are ready for the actual test before you take it. 
  • LGV theory test

    On this page you can check whether you qualify to become a driver of a Large Goods Vehicle (LGV) and find important information about the LGV theory test

    The requirements are as follows:
    • To be over 18 years old – (with some exceptions, see gov.uk for more info)
    • To have a full car licence
    • To obtain a professional driving qualification - the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC)
    Note that if you drive a large goods vehicle as the main part of your job, you must have the full Driver CPC.
    LGV theory test part 1 

    You should start by applying for the provisional LGV licence. After you’ve got your provisional licence, you can book the part 1 theory test of the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC).
    The test consists of 2 parts – the multiple choice test and hazard perception test. Each part has to be booked separately, but can be taken on the same day. You can take either part first, but you need to pass both multiple test and hazard perception test within 2 years of each other. After that you will receive your theory test certificate.
    Here you will find useful tools to practise for LGV theory test.

    The multiple-choice questions part takes 1 hour and 55 minutes with the pass mark of 85 out of 100 questions.
    Hazard perception part includes 19 videos with 20 developing hazards which you need to identify. The pass mark for LGV hazard perception test is 67 out of 100. Note that it is not possible to review your answers in hazard perception part of the theory test.
    Here you can watch an explanatory video of how the hazard perception test works.
    On the day of the test, remember to take with you your GB photocard driving licence or Northern Ireland photocard driving licence and paper counterpart.
    After taking the part of the theory test you will receive a letter at the test centre with your result. After you have passed both parts of the theory test, you will receive your theory test certificate by post. The theory test certificate is valid for 2 years from the date when you passed the first part of the test.
    Note that you need to pass the Driver CPC part 3 driving test within 2 years. If you fail to do this, you will have to pass the part 1 theory test again.

    LGV theory test part 2: case studies

    It is possible to book the part 2 case studies test after you’ve got your provisional licence. No need to wait while you pass the LGV part 1 theory test.
    Remember to take to your test your GB photocard driving licence or Northern Ireland photocard driving licence and paper counterpart.
    The test is computer based and consists of 7 case studies that you need to resolve. The case studies represent short stories about various situations that you are likely to face in your working life. You will have to answer on 6-8 questions about each case study. The duration of the test is 1 hour and 15 minutes with a pass mark of 40 out of 50.
    After the test you will get a letter with your results at the test centre. The results are valid for 2 years.
    Note that you will have to pass the Driver CPC part 4 practical demonstration test within 2 years, otherwise you’ll have to pass the part 2 case studies test again.

    Requirements for getting and keeping the full Driver CPC

    - Begin by applying for a provisional LGV licence.
    - Afterwards pass the 4 tests that make up Driver CPC to qualify.
    - In order to stay qualified you need to take 35 hours of periodic training every 5 years. In addition, every 5 years until you are 45 you need to sign a declaration to show you still meet the medical requirements.
    - After you turn 45 you need to provide a medical report every 5 years in order to renew your driving licence. After you reach 65 this needs to be done every year.
    Bear in mind that if you’re taking an approved National Vocational Training (NVT) course you are allowed to drive professionally for up to 12 months without taking the Driver CPC part 2 and part 4 tests.
    You don’t need the full Driver CPC in the following cases:
    • you don’t want to drive professionally, meaning that you want to drive for a hobby or carry passengers or goods non-commercially for personal use
    • you drive in other certain situations, when driving the vehicle is not the main part of your job (for example if you are using the vehicle for driving lessons for anyone who wants to get a driving licence or a Driver CPC) 
    Note that you still need to pass the part 1 (theory) and part 3 (driving ability) tests of the qualification.

    You should book LGV theory test at the official booking service.
  • Motorcycle theory test

    If you wish to obtain a motorcycle drivers licence you have to take and pass the motorcycle theory test and the motorcycle driving test. The motorcycle theory test consists of two parts: the multiple-choice part and the hazard perception part. The fee for the test currently is £25.

    Motorcycle theory test - multiple-choice part

    The motorcycle theory test lasts 57 minutes and has a pass mark of 43 out of 50. Before the multiple choice part, you will receive instructions on how the test works. After this you will have an opportunity to do a practice session with multiple choice questions in order to familiarize yourself with the test layout. After this, the real test will begin.

    During the motorcycle theory test, you will see a question and several possible answers on the computer screen. You have to select the correct answer out of the provided answers. Sometimes more than one answer will apply. If you hesitate you will have an opportunity to ‘flag’ a question you are hesitant about and return to it later.

    Some questions will be given in a format of a ‘case study’. Such questions will consist of a short story and will have 5 questions related to it. Case studies will provide real life examples you could come across when driving a motorcycle.

    Motorcycle theory test - hazard perception

    The pass mark for the motorcycle hazard perception tests is 44 out of 75. The motorcycle hazard perception test will start with a short video clip about how the test works.

    After this, you will see a series of 14 video clips on a computer screen. The clips will feature everyday road situations and will contain at least one developing hazard which you will need to react to. One of the clips will contain 2 developing hazards. A developing hazard is defined by something that may result in you having to take certain action to prevent an accident. For example, as a result of a developing hazard you might need to change speed or direction.

    The earlier you notice a developing hazard and respond to it, the higher score you will get. The best possible score for each developing hazard is 5 points. In order to score high you need to respond to a developing hazard as soon as possible. Note that if you click too often or in a pattern during a hazard perception clip, you will score 0 on this clip. In a hazard perception test, there is no possibility to review your answers. Book your motorcycle theory test here

  • Moving to the UK

    If you are a resident of Great Britain and have a valid car or motorcycle licence from an EU country, you can drive in Great Britain on that licence.
    If you are 68 or over when you become resident, you can drive for 3 years. After that your licence must be exchanged. 

    If you reside in Great Britain and hold a valid licence from a designated country (e.g. Andorra, Australia, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland and Zimbabwe), check driving licence exchange requirements on the official DVSA website (gov.uk)

    If you reside in Great Britain and hold a valid licence from Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man, you can exchange your licence if it was issued on or after 1 April 1991.

    If you reside in Great Britain and hold a valid licence from a non EU and non designated country, you may drive in the UK for up to 12 months. After that you need to pass UK driving theory test and practical driving test.
  • How to renew your driving licence

    You must renew your driving licence every 10 years. You can do so electronically via DVLA online service and for this you need to meet the following requirements:
    • have a valid UK passport
    • reside in Great Britain (there’s another procedure if you reside in Northern Ireland)
    • provide your National Insurance number (if you know it)
    • pay £14 (if you’re over 70 or have a medical short period licence, the renewal is free of charge)
    • provide addresses of where you have lived over the last 3 years
    • provide your current driving licence (if your driving licence was lost you must explain this in your application)
    • not be disqualified from driving

Practise for the official DSA driving theory test online. Here you can find all the information you will need to pass the theory test: